If you spend a good chunk of your time marketing your service based business on Facebook let me be a devil’s advocate for a moment and ask you this question:

Who are you networking with on Facebook?

  1. Is it your clients and/or your target market? 
  2. Is it your friends, your mom, your boyfriend, your family or relatives and their friends?

Is it #1 or #2 AND let’s be honest with your answer. 😉 I know for me that the majority of my time on Facebook is spent socializing > not networking like I tell myself I’m doing to justify my long hours spent there. If I’m really honest, I don’t even friend my clients or prospective clients as I don’t want them stepping in on my personal life. And, the groups I hang out at are typically VA ones or interest groups, again, not a place I’ll find clients. So why am I wasting my day away on Facebook ‘supposedly’ working? 😉

I challenge all of you this week to have a good hard look at the time you spend on Facebook and what you are doing on it. Are you whittling away hours of time (talking with friends, liking memes, watching cute puppy videos, discussing trade secrets in a VA group, etc. could that time ‘maybe’ be spent wiser on a social network that actually has prospective clients on it to make you money???

The social network that SMART Virtual Assistants make the best business connections at is LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network online today. If you aren’t using it to find clients, tsk TSK! 😉

Which makes for a perfect segue introducing you to my next expert speaker presenting at our #VAVS Virtual Assistant Online Conference held May 24-26th.

If you haven’t got your ticket yet you can learn more about the event by clicking here.

At only $37 to attend LIVE online, to learn from 12 Expert Speakers who are ready to teach you how to find and retain clients in your VA business, well, simply stated… you won’t want to miss this popular training event! 😉

Sarah07Introducing Sarah Santacroce…

Sarah is a independent LinkedIn Specialist & Online Presence Mentor who can help you convert your presence on this platform into paying clients.

Sarah lives in Switzerland so I have not yet had a chance to meet her in person. Hopefully I can meet her one day as that is one part of the world I’ve always wanted to travel to.

Side Note for Sarah: So many people I first meet have ask me if I’m “Swedish” and from Switzerland (probably because of my long blonde hair, not sure?) What they really should be asking me if they think I’m from Switzerland is am I “Swiss” right? North Americans seem to mix that up > Switzerland (Swiss) and Sweden (Swedish) are two different countries. Anyhow some silliness about how we think over here Sarah and thought you might find it amusing.;)

Back to how Sarah and I met…

We met online in 2013 when Sarah hired me as her business coach. Being her business coach we spent many hours on Skype and I got to know her very well both business wise and personally. Her passion and excitement to get her new business products rolled out exceeded my expectations and I’m super proud of her with her success not to mention have her speak with us at #VAVS. WooHoo!

Sarah Santacroce will be speaking about:

Why You Are Leaving Money on the Table If You’re Not Using LinkedIn to Get More Clients

Are you wasting your time on Facebook? Learn about the 3 main reasons why you might be leaving money on the table if you’re not using LinkedIn to get clients.

During this webinar you will learn…

  • Why you should be using LinkedIn
  • The importance of your profile
  • The importance of recommendations
  • The passive & pro-active approach on LinkedIn
  • How to be visible on LinkedIn
  • How to prospect on LinkedIn

Sarah is an independent LinkedIn Specialist & Online Presence Mentor and helps you convert your presence on this platform into paying customers.

Hopefully you are as excited about our speaker line up this #VAVS to help you find and retain clients in your service based business as I am and I hope to see you there.

CLICK HERE to Grab Your Early Bird Ticket!

To Your Virtual $uccess,

Tawnya Sutherland, CIMBS
Founder of VAnetworking.com
*The Market Leader For Virtual Assistants Worldwide*