by Tawnya Sutherland | May 18, 2012 | Technology |
Pinterest is the newest and latest craze in the social media arena. First and foremost, Pinterest is the highest visited social site to date. During a six month period, Pinterest has boasted over a 400% growth rate, out numbering Facebook and Twitter during the same...
by Tawnya Sutherland | Feb 29, 2012 | Technology |
If you work with clients who need website help then the topic of using WordPress as a website or content management system has probably come up. Most clients will want to know why they should choose WordPress and what the advantages are. Here are some suggestions on...
by Tawnya Sutherland | Nov 24, 2011 | Technology |
To be a great assistant you need to be ahead of the curve, and that starts with technology. One of the skills that your client is expecting from you and more importantly paying you for is to guide them in all things technology. I’m amazed though, when it comes...