by Tawnya Sutherland | Jul 29, 2012 | Technology |
I believe it’s possible to never send an attachment again! Is that bold statement unimaginable to you? Perhaps you rely on email too much in your communication with clients, coworkers or friends. My challenge is to wean people off email, and in particular...
by Tawnya Sutherland | Jun 1, 2012 | Technology |
Here’s a question for you. Answer it honestly OK, it’s not a trick question so relax. Here goes… Is your VA business a stepping stone to another business? Something that is more passive in nature so you can stop trading hours for dollars?...
by Tawnya Sutherland | May 18, 2012 | Technology |
Pinterest is the newest and latest craze in the social media arena. First and foremost, Pinterest is the highest visited social site to date. During a six month period, Pinterest has boasted over a 400% growth rate, out numbering Facebook and Twitter during the same...
by Tawnya Sutherland | May 14, 2012 | Starting Out |
It’s important that we charge what we’re worth, and charge based on the value that our work provides to clients. However, it’s often a ‘stuck’ place as service providers muddle through what works and what doesn’t work in charging and getting value-based rates. Below...
by Tawnya Sutherland | Mar 2, 2012 | Starting Out |
Starting a business as a Virtual Assistant can be a very rewarding career choice. But it takes a lot of work to ensure that you have the necessary tools in place to get off to a good start. Unfortunately many of the Virtual Assistant businesses that have never been a...